Mini-Course on Structures Determination by XRPD

DIGITAL CERTIFICATES  (click here and use your CPF or Passport number)

WORKING MATERIALS UNITY II (Dr. Bill David) AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PARTICIPANTS in DEPT. PHYSICAL starting this Thursday 18/12 day in FSC003 and FSC203 rooms (secretariat PG)! Sent to participants from other states by mail.

Congratulations to the 21 participants who learned how to determine the crystal structure of unpublished polycrystalline substances that can not be obtained in the form of single crystals (and more …)!! 

1st Workshop on Structure Determination from Powder Diffraction Data  

The “first Mini-course on structures determination by X-ray powder diffraction (SDPD-UFSC2014),” taught by Dr. Norberto prof.s Masciocchi (Insubria, Italy) and Dr. David Bill (Oxford, United Kingdom) in FSC114 room of the Physics Department at UFSC in Florianopolis, from 08 to 12 December 2014, was a success.

Were registered 27 applications from students and teachers / researchers from institutions of various Brazilian states (UFSC, IFSC, UFMG, UEL, UFPel, UFABC, UFMA and UFC). Two-thirds with training or acting as Physical or Chemical.

Other students / professionals with degrees in Civil Engineering, Pharmacy, Biology, Biotecnoologia, Geosciences and Chemistry Engineering also expanded their knowledge and viewing applications Diffraction Polycrystals in their scientific problems during the event.


     The lectures, demonstrations and practical sessions using open-access programs (WINPLOTR e QUANTO ) and licenced (DASH e TOPAS/TOPAS Academic) happened exactly as predicted. Including the problems of installation and “bug” the DASH version 3.3.3, which goes to show that even in renowned research centers there are flaws. Some participants reported their problems with CCDC of the program package, which were relayed to the staff of the center of British research.


Dr. Norberto Masciocchi  – Full Professor at Faculty of Sciences of University of Insubria – Como (Italy)

Dr. Bill David – Professor of Chemistry in Oxford and STFC Senior Fellow at ISIS (United Kingdom)




In addition to train personnel in determining structures by XRPD event attract allowed researchers to samples with crystalline structures (or not *) unprecedented that can not be obtained in the form of single crystals, such as natural product samples from Brazilian flora and coast, including essential oils. This event opened possibilities for collaborations of research groups at UFSC and other Brazilian institutions with guest teachers groups.

Two printed volumes were produced especially for the event SDPD UFSC2014. SDPD_UFSC2014_apostilasA Unit I notes handout brings all 232 slides used by Dr. Norberto Masciocchi the first three days of the event. Already the Unit II of the Notes is made up of a unique chapter written by Dr. Bill David on the DASH for IUCr, which will publish it in an upcoming issue of the International Table of Crystallography. During the SDPD UFSC2014 event some participants provided some of their scientific problems that can be solved using diffraction in Polycrystals. These presentations made at the end of the second day served as a driver guide for the following classes of the event.


  • Programa de Pós Graduação em Física da UFSC (Coord. Dr. Luis Rego; Secret. Antonio M. Machado)

  • Prof. Dr. Adailton J. Bortoluzzi (Depto. Química da UFSC) que gentilmente disponibilizou o difratometro de bancada D2Phaser para ser usado em demonstrações e medidas de amostras fornecidas pelos participantes.

  • Bruker do Brasil que ofereceu palestras e demonstrações (TOPAS e D2Phaser) com o M.Sc. Renato Figueira da Silva, Especialista de Aplicação – AXS , além das licenças temporárias do TOPAS. 

  • The Cambridge Crystallography Databe Center – CCDC”  que ofereceu a versão 2015 do sistema/pacote de programas de cristalografia – CSD, com licenças válidas até dia 31 de janeiro de 2015.


Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Maduro de Campos (UFSC-Brazil)

Prof. Dr. Alexandre Cuin (UFJF-Brazil)